Thursday, November 29, 2007


Jam Master Jay Murder Witness Finally SpeaksJam Master Jay Murder Witness Finally Speaks

The witness in the Jam Master Jay murder controversy has finally come forward to tell the press what happened the night the Run-DMC DJ was fatally shot. He’s even alleging that Jay likely knew his killer.

Uriel “Tony” Rincon, Jay’s longtime friend who was present at the shooting, told the New York Daily News that Jay had a pistol with him the night of the shooting. Rincon said that he and Jay were at the DJ’s recording studio on Merrick Blvd. in Queens, N.Y. when Jay had revealed he was carrying a gun, and set it down on the table.

Jay’s assistant was uncomfortable at the sight of the weapon, and Jay put the gun away, according to Rincon. After the two shared a game of Madden 2002, Rincon went to answer his cell phone, when he heard footsteps and Jay utter the words “Oh shit,” before hearing two gun shots.

One shot hit Rincon in the leg, the other fatally wounded Jay. Rincon told the Daily News that he did not see the killer, and has told the police everything he can remember, saying “I wish I could tell [the police] more.” The most revealing part of the story however, is Rincon’s assertion that Jay knew his killer. He told the Daily News that Jay would have defended himself if there was a real threat. “Had there been immediate animosity or if there was a problem, they wouldn’t have been that close,” Rincon said. Jay’s friend is referring to reports in the Daily News earlier this month that Jay and his killer embraced before the rapper was shot.

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