Sunday, December 9, 2007


add373cf-dc34-410c-83bb-4654e850da29-big.jpg AP Photo/Louis Lanzano

The BX Savior, Remy Ma, got herself in more hot water yesterday. While Remy’s been back and forth to court for the July 14th shooting of her former best friend, Makeda Barnes-Joseph, allegedly over two thousand dollars she thought Barnes-Joseph had stolen from her purse, the Associated Press reported yesterday that she’d been hit with even more charges.

“Remy Ma, accused of shooting an acquaintance in July over missing money, also must face witness-intimidation and gang-assault charges arising from a later bar fight. Those charges stem from an Aug. 19 assault on a witness’ boyfriend in a nightclub. The 26-year-old rapper is accused of causing several male friends to attack the man, who suffered a black eye, shattered jaw and broken cheek bone.”

Remy will be back in court on January 3rd, when results from DNA tests will determine whether blood found on her clothes from the date of the July 14th shooting is that of Makeda Barnes-Joseph.

What do you think, is Remy in over her head or what?

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