Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Wow. I hope Amy Winehouse's camp get's a hold of this blog. Heres my letter to friends, family and employees of Ms. Winehouse. Dear People, I know that people that are addicted to drugs have to be aware of their own problem, then seek help they so desperately need. But, Amy is a most severe case. She has constantly embarrassed herself in the past two years. Most recently at Glastonbury and at the Nelson Mandala tribute where she didn't really sound good and kept hiking her skirt up while shaking back and forth as if she was dancing. She looks like the definition of a crack head. She is so skinny it should be a sin. Her health is obviously failing both mentally and physically. I don't want to pick up the newspaper and find that this incredibly talented individual has overdosed. We laugh and bloggers call her Amy Crackhouse. But, seriously if this was your sister, daughter, friend, cousin wouldn't you want her to get help? What's needed and very necessary is for her not to be performing right now. What she needs is some detox and counseling. And she has to leave her husband Blake alone. He already looks dead. So, Daddy stop telling her you think she's fine...and send that girl to rehab. And don't take no, no, no for an answer. Wasted talent. See her performance at the Nelson Mandela Tribute on Saturday after the jump.

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