Thursday, November 29, 2007



Nas left off a firestorm of controversy a few months back when he revealed that he’d be calling his upcoming album Ni**er. Originally slated for a December release, the project will now be hitting shelves in February of 2008, which is Black History Month.

In talking with MTV News, Nas offered additional info about what type of content to expect on the album:

“I have a song called ‘The Fear.’ The full title of the record is ‘The Fear of the Black Man’s D—.’ That’s some sh– you can get comedy [from], or you can get some seriousness from it when you talk about the barbaric castrations that happened in our past — which is very serious, nothing to laugh at.

Regarding a song about all racial slurs, not just the word “Ni**er,” he said:

“It’s about the attacks that have happened to blacks, whites, all ethnicities,” he continued. ” ‘Mick’ niggers, ‘guinea’ niggers, ‘kike’ niggers. I have a song called ‘You a Nigger Too.’ “

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